Repairing Long Lasting Office Shredders

When it comes to repairs and maintenance of office paper shredders, Document Dynamix Australia can help to facilitate this, no matter the age or brand.

If you have an older paper shredder that is still operating, this will mean two things:
1: You made a great choice when purchasing the shredder.
2: The support information is now out of date.

For example, if you have a Fordigraph/Rexel paper shredder that requires repairs, shredder oil or suitable shredder bags, we often find these outdated phone numbers from Brisbane: 07 3252 9733, Sydney: 02 02 9384 4800, Melbourne: 03 9699 6000 will be answered by a company completely unrelated to the products and services you are seeking.

With years of industry experience, Document Dynamix Australia have the knowledge and history to help repair and service these amazing old machines.

For helpful advice in relation to everything paper shredders:
Free Call: 1800 874 733 Today!