Convert Your Document Workflows

Digitise Your Document Workflows
Documents are critical to the successful operation of any office. With careful organisational strategies, masses of information can be efficiently and conveniently retreived without leaving your desk. The process of document scanning is the digital capture and conversion of paper documents into electronic files with the industry standard file saved as PDF files.

Documents which have certain level relevance are more likely to be scanned and represents the majority of stored documents for most offices moving forward by undertaking the process of going paperless.

It is important to ascertain what can be done with your documents once scanned. In an ideal world, this is the end of the line for your scanned papers however all offices have an obligation to meet government regulations and compliance which sometimes involves holding documents in storage for a certain period of time or indefinately even if they have been scanned.

For documents that can be released once scanned, the logical method of secure disposal is by way of shredding at the end of the document lifecycle.

Providing instant termination of sensitive information, shredding documents on the spot provides total peace of mind. Participants and stakeholders involved in the process of going paperless know first hand, that their confidential documents are completely destroyed before even leaving the confines of the office they once were stored in.

There are many paper shredders available on the market to cater for the needs of just about any shredding requirement including hand feed and auto feeding paper shredders. Whilst there are highly productive, heavy duty, high capacity and commercial grade paper shredders available, these are not always a must have for offices undertaking scanning projects. A good quality small to medium office shredder will prove successful when shredding documents as soon as they are scanned if the task of shredding is more spread out instead of bulk shredding large volumes less frequently.

Want to “Go Paperless”, Document Dynamix Australia can provide useful advice to your office and help position you to make this process efficient and successful.

Document Dynamix Australia supplies excellent hardware to make you scanning project reality, this includes scanner/shredder packages by Kodak & INFOSTOP.

For more information about “Going Paperless”, call Document Dynamix Australia toll free: 1800 874 733.
We look forward to helping your office “Go Paperless”.